Monday, June 9, 2008


Due to my present circumstances, I am experiencing total blog burn-out. If it appears that I've dropped out of sight this week, technically I have.

Minor health issues ... stress from said m. h. issues ... and this stinkin' weather.

All this could lead to a fit of depression.

Sorry. I'll return when I resurface. Might be sooner, or possibly later.

God bless.

P.S. Guess I was wrong about turning 45 - it really does stink, at least at the moment.


40winkzzz said...

Sorry you are not feeling so great, Kate. Been there myself, frequently. (Not the health issues part, but the stress & depression part!) And it's funny you should mention turning 45 as a possible factor. I definitely hit *something* a few mos after turning 40 a few yrs back. All my humor cells and half my brain cells went away on an extended vacation, and most of them still have yet to return.

I'll say a prayer for you today!

Cat said...

Hang in there mate, been a bit under the radar myself too of late. Can you cycle in sync on opposite sides of the globe? ;-)

Thnking of you,
Cate x

Paula Vince said...

I'll say a prayer for you. I really hope you'll soon be feeling more cheerful again with those health issues under control. I understand blog burnout. I've had something like that too and put it down to winter blues, and I guess in your case it could easily be summer blues. Hope you take some time to do some of your favourite things and don't feel under pressure to blog again until your spirits re-surface.

Mama Self said...

Boy, Kate, I hope you feel better soon! I have a friend in Washington who is totally bumming over the weather as well...I know that doesn't help.

May the Lord bless you with peace and joy as He takes care of you and your family - even in trials and low moments. You will certainly be prayed for!

Leingang Family said...

I will be praying for you!

Cat said...

Hope you are feeling better mate.

Just letting you know I have moved.You can find me here:
