Monday, June 11, 2007

What I've Been Reading

My husband and I have been reading the most incredible book. "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin (published by Viking). Greg Mortenson was a mountain climber and trauma nurse. After a failed expedition on K2, he ended up in a village in Pakistan where the kind people living there nursed him back to health. He promised to return and build a school there. And he did! But that was only the beginning! There is so much in this book. You have to read it. We are almost to the end of the book but we know that's not the end of his story. It will inspire you to do great things.

1 comment:

ConservaChick said...

Oooh, this sounds like a good one. I'm going to put it on my ever expanding wish list! Thanks for the suggestion!