Friday, May 11, 2007

Tomorrow is another day

There is something so relaxing, de-stressing, de-compressing about blogging. Whether I'm writing a new post or visiting/commenting on other blogs, I find I can lose myself into the process. My mind is temporarily suspended from reality for awhile, even if I'm writing about something that really happened, which is all I write about. Not much of a fiction writer. Though maybe when I'm writing about an incident/event/situation, it starts to feel like I'm writing about someone else, I mentally remove myself from the picture. Anyway, when I am done, I feel like the stress of the day has lifted off my shoulders and my usual evening headache is gone. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. O.k., it's a good thing. A brain-stretching exercise that helps me unwind. That's a good thing! I prefer to be positive and somewhat of a cheerleader when I comment on other posts. My own blog goes from being positive to heavy sighs of whatever the day brought my way. This day has brought many heavy sighs, lots of crankiness from myself and others in the house. Hate days like this! But tomorrow is another day.

My birthday was a few days ago. It was a good day (I posted about it on my other blog, hesitate to repeat posts here). However, I had high hopes of starting fresh with this birthday. It wasn't a milestone birthday, just another year. But I am reassessing my life and the way I do things. I see lots of areas I'd like to improve in my life. Housekeeping, for one. This area affects my whole family so improving here would be a really wonderful thing. I have started the kids on various daily chores that is helping me with this goal. I've also started being more ruthless with what I keep and what goes. I really hate clutter but it's so hard to keep at bay. Add to that three children who love to create with all kinds of materials and the mess builds. I am working on teaching them to put things away more consistently. Homeschooling is not the neatest way to live, learning is messy - that is a fact I've heard from nearly every homeschooling family I know! But I am also responsible for teaching my kids to clean up and take care of their living environment. I'm not blaming my mom by any means but she was a perfect housekeeper who never showed her daughters how to keep house or clean anything. And I always had roommates who like to clean. Then I got married - what a shock! Fortunately, my husband's mom taught him how to clean or we'd really be in trouble. He's been a big help in showing me what needs to be done. He sees dirt in places I'd never notice. This can be annoying at times, as you can imagine. I think I'll stop here as I feel like I'm rambling and this is boring, even to me! But now that I've written down my goal of being a better housekeeper, it will serve as a reminder to keep up with that goal. Let's see how things are in 6 months!


Jenn4Him said...

Hi Kate. I need to improve in this area too. It might help if I blogged less! (lol) I too feel like blogging is an escape. I even considered that as my blog's name, My Escape! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Jenn4Him said...

Another thing...Do you like having two blogs?

Henny Penny said...

This is exactly why I blog! LOL

Jenn4Him said...

Hi Kate,
I totally agree about being lonely here on Blogger. I started out like you, to be able to leave comments with people who left HSB. Then I decided to tell my family about it. They love it, so I keep on. Right now I am not posting anything different and I thought about just telling them to go to HSB, but like I said before, there is something special there and if I want I can be more private about my thoughts there. So for now I just copy and paste from HSB to here so I don't have really any extra work. Crazy. I know. Thanks for the comments wherever you leave them!

Cat said...

Hi Kate,

thanks for visitng & leaving my first comment, & what a surprise to find you out here on blogger too!

Totally relate to the reassing thing. I'm not far behind you (43 in Oct) & have been slowly decluttering the house over the last year. Where did all the *stuff* come from????

Looking forward to staying in touch.

Cat said...

"Reassessing" not "reassing"!!!

That part of me is large enough... :-)

Stacey said...

Well I read the whole thing and I wasn't bored at any point! Maybe that's because this housework improvement thing is near and dear to me, too. And....I will be homeschooling my son Alexander next year, so I'd best get it under control from what I read here.

Anyway, I read your post on Coffee Mom, and thanks for the congrats. I came over here to add that it's Iceland-abobway, you left the second part out. hehe--naw, I live in boring old Missouri and wouldn't have it any other way. xo

Stacey said...

Why thanks for visiting! I just caught that correction from you on your post--hilarious! I like a gal who, like myself, can laugh at herself. Hope your weekend is blessed--me here in Iceland-abobway (aka Missouri), I'm ready for it! xo