Monday, November 3, 2008

On The Eve of Election Day

It's been raining cats and dogs all day. I'd love to know where that saying comes from. Well, maybe.

And the shingles are still dead.

It gives me tremendous satisfaction to look at our front lawn and not see those stinkin' shingles there. Just a semi-green lawn.

Well, I'm off to a slow start here. I'd much rather be ordering something from Boden but blogging is way cheaper.

And tomorrow is Election Day. No comment.

I did vote today, along with my husband. We had a lot of measures to discuss. A lot of nonsense, mostly. I hate those mug shots that appear in the Voter's manuals they send out. Absolutely no one looks like someone I'd want to vote for. Some of the photos even look scary. For years, there was a man who continued to run against an elected official in our area. He repeatedly lost but continued to run just for spite, I think. He always used the same photo and, geesh, if I saw him on the street, I'd run! In our small town, I probably have seen him around but we have quite a few scary individuals living here, he'd just blend in.

Which leads me to another train of thought - if you know nothing about a particular race, do you vote for the person whom you like the looks of? Oh, come on, I think more people do this than we realize. Which tells me that your campaign photo is pretty important and warrants a jacket and tie or at least a good hair cut.

And, speaking of small towns, I am always amazed at how often I see people I know, or used to know, or have met somewhere, or whom I recognize from their place of employment. Our town is 10,000 and the neighboring town that I am frequently in is close to that if not more. So, in an area of 20,000+ people, why is it so likely I see so many familar faces?

Let's take Halloween night, for example. On Halloween, we always eat at a Chinese food restaurant that we enjoy. Just after we sat down, in walks a family that I knew from swimming lessons - from 2 years ago. In fact, I think this same family was at this place last year - it must be their tradition, too. And just before we left, in walks a family that we lived next to when we first moved here - 18 years ago! The daughter is married with a toddler of her own now and we laughed at how she remembered my oldest being a toddler. All this happened within an hour, and during that time, only two other groups of people came into the banquet area we were sitting in. Small town, indeed.

Well, with the time change, it's later than I think. And it's still raining. Todd is working. I might just have time to do some Boden window shopping ...


Mama Self said...

I voted, too...three weeks ago. :) We are still Florida residents.

It looks like this is one election in which every vote will count...everything is so tight! It's good to know God is in control and already knows the end result!

Thanks for voting: freedom isn't free.

Paula Vince said...

We've just finished watching your election on TV - it took place during the day over here. Looks like quite a landslide victory, just as we had over here last year. Is that anything like you expected? It's always fascinating to see history unfold.

Now I'll have fun answering your questions. The Australian male is stereotyped as the type of man who shies away from anything feminine and never shows his feelings. Of course they're not really all like that, but when we talk about a "blokey" bloke, this is sort of fellow we mean.

And humbugs are those hard, black-&-white striped sweets that you suck. As for why they're called boiled, that's a good question. I think they make them by melting sugar in a saucepan and then pouring it into molds. I think they are actually English and not Australian. In fact, it just occurred to me that the Brits would call them sweets, we call them lollies and you would probably call them candy. Linguistics is quite an interesting subject.
