Saturday, May 10, 2008


Don't worry ladies, my blog is safely back in my hands. Todd surrendered it without a fight. I never know what that man will do next!

What a sweet treat to find his post on my blog! A total surprise. And thank you all so very much for your birthday greetings! Really helped make my birthday even more lovely!

I had a very enjoyable day. I slept in late and when I walked down the hall, I was greeted one at a time by my kids, who each got hugs. As I got near the front door, my son, Alec, opened it and there stood my husband, holding roses, candy and donuts! The timing couldn't have been more perfect! I opened their cards and we had breakfast. Todd had told the kids that on this day, they were to take their questions to Daddy, not Mommy, and they were to behave themselves. And they did (for the most part). I did school with Carmen and Todd helped the boys. Then I spent the next 3 hours visiting a few shops in town and across the river, where I bought a few things for my family and chatted with the owners. There's a toy store in town that opened up 13 years ago when Chad was a newborn. The owners (Katie & Bill) have watched all our kids grow up and we've enjoyed their friendship. Katie was working so we chatted for quite awhile and she ended up giving me a tiara to celebrate my birthday. I told her I'd wear it when I cut my cake - and I did!

I was starving so I headed home to eat lunch. Todd was just finishing my cake - lemon chiffon (he's the baker in our family) and I got to lick the icing pan - yum! He had fed the kids lunch and did a load of dishes. After I ate, we sat and talked a bit. The kids kept coming in to wish me Happy Birthday and give me a hug. Then we had to decide where to go for dinner. We chose a new restaurant on the river front that has been given great reviews so we made reservations and went there. It's a huge old industrial building that has been majorly renovated into a big, open restaurant and some other shops. The restaurant is really nice and everything was great. The service, the food and the view - all terrific.

We had cake when we got home and we took photos of me in my tiara with all the kids and Todd. The cake was awesome. If you want the recipe, I'm sure Todd would be happy to oblige.

It was a very relaxing day, I wasn't concerned about doing much of anything which is why it was so fun to do whatever. My throat was raspy from talking and laughing so much. I said "thank you" about a thousand times today. If you must know what I got for my birthday (besides roses and candy) Todd got me a new summer wardrobe and I've already written about the Toyota Prius he bought me on Earth Day last month. A red one. Wow. I don't need anything else for, like, years and years. I still can't believe it. I guess it's love.

Hey, Todd ... you've spoiled me way too much. Thanks for putting so much effort into my birthday. You really outdid yourself this time. Makes up for the birthdays we celebrated at "Subway" when the kids were babies! Growing older has its compensations, doesn't it? Y

I have to say that my 45th birthday was way, way better than my 30th or my 40th. And not just because of the gifts. No ... I was afraid to turn 30 or 40. I wasn't afraid of this birthday. Yes, I'm older but, oh well. It's going to happen. The first half of my life is officially over. My desire is to make the second half even better than the first. It started yesterday. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Leingang Family said...

What a wonderful day! Happy Birthday. May it be a blessed year for you.