Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Two Things ...

I'd like to wish my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving! May the Lord bless this day in each of your homes and may He be the focus of your thoughts.

Some of you know this is a difficult holiday for me, as my father died at Thanksgiving in 1986. Strangely enough, my mother-in-law's own father died on Thanksgiving, years before that. She has learned to deal with it much better than I have. Last year was especially bad because I lost my sweet step-father just a few months prior. But this year, I'm doing better I think, at least with that awful memory. No, this year I have my husband's pending surgery to keep my mind occupied. A blessing and a curse. Which brings me to my next thought ...

We have moved my husband's surgery up to shortly after Christmas. So, after Thanksgiving is over, I would appreciate your prayers for this. Please cover everything about the surgery, the staff, my husband, me and my family. For good health and safe travel. Portland is a 2 hour drive from here so we will be staying at a guest house (I think) across from the hospital. He'll be in recovery for at least 5 days - pray that he'll be home as soon as possible. Please lift me up. I want badly to be strong for my darling. He's usually the one I count on to be my rock. I want and need to be his support. I know the Lord will get us through this. I appreciate your prayers.

Praise His Holy Name - He is so good. He's my rock and my fortress. In Him will I trust.


Leingang Family said...

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We will be praying for Todd and for your whole family regarding his surgery.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Cat said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend & I pray that this truly is a time of thankfulness & peace for you.

Thanks also for nominating me - I actually made the short list! Now I feel pressured to clean up my blog as well as my house!!

Remember, am always here when you need a chat in the middle of the night!

Cat said...

Hi again,

thanks for the chatty comment you left. You so made me laugh! My son came out with one of those awkward comments too, just a week ago (don't you just love them??).

We had a friend visiting recently and she has been very badly burnt in a divorce with an "evangelist" (don't get me started there...) She is really doing it tough & often drops in around meal times & we just include her as part of the family. Junior was joking around (he gets on well with her) & said "you here again at dinner time for the free food?" I nearly died of embarrassment, but thankfully she had her wits about her & replied instantly with "of course, I'm family aren't I?"


Hang in there girl - all will be well.

Cate x