Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pasta (briefly) but mostly, Miss Potter

If you haven't read my last post, go back and read it. Then read this one.

Two nights ago, I made spaghetti. My husband usually removes the bay leaf before he serves the kids. As I sat down, he said, "No bay leaf?" Yep, that's right. "Oh, I must have forgotten it." Man, it's getting pathetic. I made kosher hot dogs last night - no ingredients to leave out there! I'm beginning to lose confidence in my cooking ability. But that's not what I want to write about here.

I have been absolutely delighted with the movie, "Miss Potter", do you know of it? It is the story of Beatrix Potter, mostly during the time of her publishing, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit". It covers her childhood briefly and her adult life in her early 30's. We have watched it several times this week and I get something different from it each time I watch it.

What I enjoy most about the movie is her journey towards acknowledging herself as an artist/writer. A published author. Giving herself those labels, to me, seem significant. She published her books at the turn of the century, no small feat for a woman. She was a tenacious woman, persistent by Victorian standards. The acting is great and the sweet romance is fun to watch. I enjoy quiet movies, safe movies (by all standards) and this is one of them. We let the kids watch it with us a few days ago and they enjoyed how the characters in her drawings would move when she spoke to them (a fun special effect but not cartoony, just subtle, and fun.) I highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates lovely movies. Also, it's filmed in and around the areas of London where she lived, with some really beautiful scenery.

As a fledgling writer, I find myself watching this movie from that point of view. I am very familiar with all aspects of printing and publishing, having worked in the business for many years before becoming a mom. But having a book published - that is my goal. So that aspect of the movie is a thrill to watch. The first time she sees her book in a book shop window - I feel the joy right along with her.

Tonight, my daughter handed me "The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher" to read to her at bedtime. I looked at it in a different light. There on the credits page was Beatrix Potter's publisher's name, the same one in the movie! And looking at the characters in that book, I remembered things said and shown in the movie about them. It was too fun! I now see her books in a totally different way. A real person wrote them and now I know the "rest of the story". I love it!


Katie said...

I'd really like to watch Miss Potter, I think it would be very interesting, but I really don't like Renee Zelwegger. I don't know if she's good enough that I could see past her to just see the character. I might try it, I can always turn it off, right?!

Cat said...

That is one film that I meant to see when it was in theatres, but missed, so I'll definitely chase it on DVD on your recommendation!

Got your email thanks - the offer is there for late night support ok? :-)

Ah the benefits of a southern hemisphere friend!
C x

Leingang Family said...

I loved that movie! I should have a girls'nite and watch it again. Glad you enjoyed it.