Sunday, July 15, 2007


I've been annoyed lately. And it's hard to find joy when I'm annoyed. I get annoyed when I go down the hill from where we live. My ears plug. So, when I get into town, I'm doing that fake-yawning motion you do when you're trying to unplug your ears. And I try to do this without looking like I am because I look really stupid. By the time I get to the main street of town (Marine Dr.) my ears are fine. But it's SO annoying! I get annoyed when the money runs out before the bills are paid. Arrgh! That's not supposed to happen! I've been annoyed recently because my allergy medicine isn't working anymore, right in the middle of high grass season here and apparently, that's something I'm allergic to. Annoying, I tell you! And, I'm supremely annoyed at the fact that I can't get my house cleaned. I keep getting distracted, or we end up going out for the day and there's no time, or I'm just too tired for whatever reason (like, from my allergies that aren't being helped by my stupid allergy meds).

So, where's the joy when I'm annoyed. I know it's out there. I just need to find it. Heavy sigh. I think the incident that really topped everything happened the other day. I was hurrying to get a glass casserole dish out of the microwave and out to the table when, suddenly, the dish flew out of my hands and hit the floor. But not without making a really big mess. Sliced green beans were EVERYWHERE. I didn't get mad. It was really so very annoying, I just shook my head, picked up the dish and served what beans were left in the dish! My wonderful dh came in the kitchen and started cleaning green beans off the floor - bless him! And then, after dinner, I went back into the kitchen and saw green beans on the upper cabinet, the kitchen window, and green bean juice dripping all over the clean dishes that were drying next to the sink! Really heavy sigh. Dh said he didn't seem them there! I wasn't annoyed at him, just at myself. I mean, really. Like I NEED green beans everywhere.

O.k., so where's the joy here. We are supposed to be thankful in all circumstances. And when one is thankful, one can find joy, right? I guess I can be thankful that the glass dish didn't break and it didn't hit my foot (though I got a bit burned by the hot liquid). I can be thankful that I have ears to hear, even though they plug when I drop a few feet toward sea level, at 25 mph. I can be joyful that there is money to cover most of the bills and there are some that can wait until next paycheck. The allergy thing - well, o.k., there's no joy there. Not that I can see yet, anyway. And, I can be thankful my dh doesn't complain much about the house. And I can find joy in the fact that my kids clutter the house when they are having fun being creative, artistic, playing games or reading (lots of books, everywhere!) So, I suppose, I need to pray and ask God to help me look for the joy when I get annoyed. It's there - I just need Him to help me find it!


Mama Self said...

Isn't it hard to "consider it all joy when you encounter various trials" in daily life!?! But I believe you hit the nail on the head: counting your blessings in the midst of circumstances refocuses our attitudes. As for the allergies, it could always be worse and I know you enjoy the abounding richness of the beauty in your area of the country. God is so good to us! I try not to complain as the Israelites did in the wilderness because I know that the Lord was SO ANGRY at them for forgetting what He'd done in their lives and wanting more. It's hard to "take every thought captive for Christ," but our joy returns when we wrestle our thougts down and concentrate on our Savior and all the blessings we have daily.

Keep persevering, friend. ~Sheila

jugglingpaynes said...

There's a very funny story from Inner Brat on the subject of getting distracted while cleaning. It's kind of long, so I won't put it in your comments without your permission. I will give you the web address:
And be thankful you are surrounded by so much nature it tickles your senses! Next year, starting at Groundhog Day, take a teaspoon daily of local wildflower honey. I know it helped my allergies significantly.
Peace and Laughter,

Paula Vince said...

Hi Kate,
I like this blog equally as much as your HSB one! And it's fun to catch up with you over here. God bless you and your knack of writing so wisely about all those "normal" things we can all relate to.