Friday, April 5, 2013

He Won!

Happy news!  Chad was one of three winners of the essay contest he entered!  His was a 30-page essay on Palestine and Israel, failed attempts at peace, the players, and so forth.  Each winner will receive a nice cash prize.  We are so happy for him and very proud of his work.  I am still so amazed at his continued good fortune at this community college.  It's been a good fit for him and I am thankful.  Chad definitely has a talent for writing - hopefully it will serve him well in whatever field he chooses to pursue.


jugglingpaynes said...

Way to go Chad! Congratulations from Marina and me!

Peace and Laughter,

Paula Vince said...

Hi Kate,
That's great news. Congrats to Chad. It's great to get a bit of recognition for something you've poured heart and time into.
Thanks for your comment the other day, too. I remember exchanging those sweet treats. We should do it again some time.