She's just unwrapped a gift from one of her children: A kitchen towel set wrapped around a book by one of her talented blog friends! And that's not all ...
I unwrapped another ...
and another!
The first book is a compilation of comic strips by my blog friend jugglingpaynes (Cristina) and her book is available on Amazon. I was intending to make the purchase after Christmas but my husband beat me to it ... and completely caught me off guard! This is Cristina's first book but she has been writing for a long time, homeschooling is the theme and, boy, can I relate to so many of her ideas!
The second and third books shown are by Paula Vince, my published author blog friend in Australia. Her books are available through her web site appleleaf (at left). I have all of her books now, I think, and am so happy Todd thought to order them for me. Her books are thoughtfully written and take the reader right into the story and the fictional characters. When I read one of her books, I don't want it to end!
I am so excited and proud of these two awesome women and wish them great success in their respective fields of talent. This is not a paid advertisement - I just wanted to share my joy. Thank you, Cristina and Paula, for helping my Christmas to be all the more blessed!
Hi Kate,
Wow, the sight of your smiling face is priceless! I love it. So glad you were happy.
Do you know, I read "No School Today" beneath a shady tree by our local swimming pool on Christmas Eve. I loved it! I have quite a few homeschooling books on my shelf and this one is now my favourite. I'm so happy for Cristina too.
Oh, BTW, just so people know, 3 of my books are available from Amazon too as well as from my website, if that would make it easier for international friends. They are "Best Forgotten", "Picking up the Pieces" and "A Design of Gold" which were published by Wombat Books.
It seems Todd is a great hand at choosing presents that are a hit. I know he had to think well in advance to organise the parcels to arrive on time.
Cheers and Blessings,
Kate, you look beautiful! I needed to say that first.
Thank you, both you and Paula, for your wonderful endorsements. I'm so humbled and a little ashamed that I haven't had time to read Paula's book yet. I think I will read that one next. :o) Good way to start the new year!
May you have a happy and healthy New Year, filled with peace and laughter!
Well I have some major reading catching up to do!! Congratulations to your author friends and Kate - you are gorgeous!! So wonderful to see pics of you.
Happy New Year to you and the family! xxx
Happy New Year, Kate! What a happy post to read! I'm so glad that you received such meaningful gifts. (Way to go, Todd!)
I'm hopefully returning to the blog world, so I look forward to catching up with you and our other blog friends. Here's to a joyous new year to us all! =D
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