Tuesday, January 12, 2010

After Holiday Ruminating

Christmas is put away. New Year's decorations just got taken down (doesn't everyone decorate for New Year's?) The house looks somewhat empty but back to normal. Even better than normal. We hope to try and keep it looking guest-ready, for our own enjoyment. But how do you keep the clutter down with three kids at home, all day long? School papers, art projects, etc. - you know what I'm talking about. But we are all willing to try and keep the house neater.

Next - we want to tackle the garage.

Alas, we have two birthdays to prepare for, the end of Jan and mid Feb. After that, finally, there will be no more gift buying. The kids don't really want or need anything, it's a bummer to be born so soon after Christmas. Alec wants a trip to Hawaii. Carmen says she doesn't need anything. What to do?


Paula Vince said...

If we all had huge attics up the top, life would be much neater. More modern, compact homes are not functional, especially for homeschoolers.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year's Eve. I'm finding it weird to write '10 in the new date. We're all so used to beginning it with a zero for a decade.

jugglingpaynes said...

Are you reading my mind again? Wait until you see tomorrow's comic!

I think I always feel at ease once I get the Christmas decorations away. I love decorating for Christmas, but by the time New Year rolls around, half of the decorations are scattered about the room courtesy of six cats, and numerous empty boxes and gift bags sit forlornly under the tree. By January 6th, I'm chomping at the bit to get everything away. The house looks so much bigger!

Peace and laughter,

P.S.: My word verification is "bookerff". That's a sound Marina makes often at the library!

moreofhim said...

I know what you mean about getting back to normal. Sometimes, it's a relief to feel like everything is normal again!

We are de-cluttering and trying to get things guest ready everyday. It's a challenge and we don't even homeschool anymore! lol

I wanted you to know I gave you an award on my blog. If you don't do awards, I understand, but wanted you to know I think you deserve one.

God bless you - Julie

Cat said...

Hi there Kate - I'm back from Sydney and catching up on blog friends. Unfortunately, I'm also home to Christmas decorations that need taking down. I feel like I'm overdue getting the house sorted and the year underway - totally relate to wanting that feeling of things being decluttered and guest ready.

40winkzzz said...

i *thought* i had all the christmas decorations put away. then hubz informed me that the garland on the stairs and curtain rods was not "winter decor" but, alas, "Christmas decor". i was going to try to leave them out a bit longer this year. *sigh* i still have christmas mantle up, too, but some years i do that. (other years i remove the christmas-y stuff and turn it into a "winter" mantle.) this is going to be one of the years i leave it up, just bc i feel like it.

homeschooling generates clutter; creativity generates clutter. i'm not sure there's any way around it unless one is (a) super-organized and (b) happy to take pics of projects and then (horrors) throw them away. i'm neither.

you know, it's really funny that cristina's word verif is "bookerff", because mine is "readrin"!