Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Coincidence

It's happening again.

I have this knack for coincidences. It's like they are drawn to me, like a vortex with me at the center. I used to think if was eerie, but now I think I'm just overly sensitive to them so I notice them more. I also ponder them for awhile, which is why they stay in my head for a time.

The following are coincidences that have happened to me in the last 2 months:

- My son, Chad, and I were driving into town to the bank. It's a small town, 10,000 people, and the bank is about 2 miles away. In that time, we began to discuss the type of car my husband used to want to buy. We hadn't seen one in a long time; in fact, we couldn't remember the name of the car, even though Todd used to point out this particular car every time he saw one. We pulled up to the drive-through at the bank and at the same time saw the car in front of us. In unison, Chad and I said, "Eagle Vision!" Yep, it was the car in question.

- Another car issue. Chad and I were walking in our neighborhood, taking a different loop which led us into a street we hadn't walked on in a long time. We were discussing the Neon, another car we hadn't seen in a long time. We came around a corner and there sat a Neon. Again, we both said, "A Neon!" This may become a recurring theme.

- About two weeks ago, I was listening to my all classical radio station out of Portland and they were playing Beethoven's only opera, "Fidelio", mentioning the fact that it was originally called "Leonora". The following Sunday, on our local radio station, they played the entire opera during the Sunday morning opera time. Here is where I learned more about the plot and storyline. I didn't like it but the music was good. And then, 3 days later, we were in the car listening to different stations, when I came across music I recognized - sure enough, it was from "Fidelio" and they mentioned Leonora again. I couldn't get away from it!

- Today - I've been reading Frances Mayes book entitled, "In Tuscany", and her husband, Ed, writes a few chapters in this book. He quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson as saying, "Hitch your wagon to a star." Until today, I had never heard this quote (I need to read more Emerson) . Tonight, I was reading a news story from the home page online about Ed McMahon who just passed away. In this news story, they quote him from several interviews and in one of the interviews, he is talking about his good fortune to work with Johnny Carson. He says, "There's the old phrase, hook your wagon to a star. I hitched my wagon to a great star." I found it interesting that I read this phrase by Emerson twice within a few hours of each other, from completely different sources.

I think it's kind of fun to notice a coincidence. It's not hard, they happen all the time. Have I mentioned this one: My husband's mother is married to Bob, my stepfather-in-law. He has two daughters, and one of them (Lisa) was in my 8th grade English class. Bob didn't know my mother-in-law at that time. I remember his daughter from that class but she doesn't remember me very well. What's more, one my best friends from that time is Jeree, who was also good friends with Lisa. Bob remembers Jeree very well. And get this: My husband's sister, Jill, worked with Jeree for a time about 15 years ago. So, when I get my yearly Christmas newsletter from Jeree, I update Jill and Bob on how Jeree and her family are doing. Got all that?

I told you this is fun!


Mama Self said...

Wow! Kate the Coincidence Queen! I don't recall noticing that many coincidences in my lifetime. :) (Other than church folks who know friends from my former churches, as our denomination is pretty small.)

As far as travelling goes, we've always used our van, though we've considered hauling a pop-up. The key for us has been to pack snacks, water and lunch. The kids go through juice too fast making for more restroom breaks. We stop around every three hours to get gas, coffee, restroom breaks, and/or food...whatever is needed. And if the kids haven't used the restroom at the last stop, they have to at the next, otherwise it seems that they need to go as soon as we are back on the highway.

Post pics and tell all about your trip! We've never been there, and I'd love to hear about it. :)

Have a great day.

Leingang Family said...

Wow! That's a lot of 'em!

Cat said...

Very cool :-)


Paula Vince said...

Coincidences are really, really fun. I think when you get yourself into the mind set of expecting them, as you've done, you notice more and more that others may miss.