Being a woman of a "certain age", I dye my hair. But this time, we (my husband is my colorist) dyed it a bit too dark. It looked o.k. but I thought it was too dark brown for me. So ... we tried to lighten it up. Twice we tried a lighter brown - didn't work. My poor hair.
The next step was to bleach all the dark out of it. What I am left with is what my dear old Dad left me, genetically. My Dad was a redhead. My son was born a redhead. And now, I am a redhead, too. Can you say "copper-top battery?" Carrot head? Look - your hair's on fire!! That's what I keep thinking every time I happen to see my reflection. It's unbelievable. Totally.
It's, like, orange-gold-unreal. I cannot leave the house. I have become another Christmas decoration, put me on the mantle. I do have a soft hat that I stuffed my hair into this afternoon because I just couldn't take seeing it anymore. When my kids first saw me, I told them to get their comments out of the way, I knew what they were thinking. Bless them, they all kept saying how nice I looked. Liars! Todd keeps looking at me and smiling. He likes it, for goodness sake!
The good news (I think) is that we will be dyeing my hair again, this time to a nice shade of light-medium brown. I hope, hope, it works. As long as my hair doesn't all break off or fall out in the meantime.
Oh dear! I'm sure it isn't as bad as you think, but if it is, it's good that it is the season of hats. :o) Just be careful with all of that coloring. I remember a friend who was learning to be a hair stylist and ended up with green hair courtesy of a very rude guest hair colorist. The only way they could fix it was to go darker (she was fair haired). The result was somewhere between dark brown and...purple.
Luckily, coloring grows out! With patience, God fixes our little mistakes naturally! :o)
That said, I'm probably going to go play with the scissors and see if I can trim back hedge growing on my head...
Peace and Laughter,
Oh dear - have had similar colouring experiments in years gone by - and was just at the hairdresser covering the grey bits just yesterday!
The good thing about red, is that it fades quicker than most of the colours, but if you are intending doing anything more, I seriously would go to a salon, as I'd hate your next post to be "oh no - my hair all broke off!"
But hey - hats are cool ;-)
The description of the colour sounds great. I had to laugh as you described all the blending processes involved. Sounds like an impromptu art or science lesson.
I'm really glad you enjoyed ADOG. I'm looking into re-printing "Picking up the Pieces" which featured the Quinlan family when they were younger (and where I got Blake's name from, as you might've realised. I was expecting him soon after I wrote that book and he was going to be either Blake or Claire, depending).
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