Monday, November 23, 2009

Give Thanks

I'm starting to mold. It has been raining for so long I've quite forgotten what a sunny day looks like. Oh, we had a bit of sun break yesterday and I ran outside with the kids for a quick walk. Within minutes after we returned home, the rain began again. At least the wind has calmed - three bad storms in one week is all one really needs. At least the power only went out once for 1-1/2 hours. I consider us fortunate. Today it went out for just a few minutes for no good reason. Just for fun, I suppose.

Oh, Happy Thanksgiving, by the way. I dislike this holiday but I've written about that several times so I won't go into the details again. However, I truly wish everyone who reads this a very happy time where ever they celebrate this holiday of thanks. I try to be thankful each day, anyway.

My daughter has been wanting all our Pilgrim story books read to her. We decorated the piano with a cornucopia and she wants to make a paper bag turkey like her brother did years back. But she doesn't want to go to Grandma's for dinner, she wants our feast at home. So do I. But this is one of those times when you can't do what you want, you do what is expected of you. Can anyone relate?

Praise the Lord for family, for keeping us safe and providing for us. I am thankful for God, for our country and those who came before us who worked so hard to eventually create what we call America. What we have is special, important and worth hanging on to. May God bless our country and give those in power guidance and wisdom. They need it.


jugglingpaynes said...

You need our family. They understood completely when we decided we weren't up for traveling this year. We are going to have a quiet Thanksgiving at home, just the five of us. It will be a change of pace from our normally hectic life, but I think we'll adjust!

I'll pray you have the strength and patience to make it through the holiday!

Peace and Laughter,

Mama Self said...

Well, Kate, I do hope your Thanksgiving Day is great despite painful memories and a desire to be at home. And I know the rain does NOT help the mood (though I LOVE your first line in this entry!!!). May the Lord bless your whole family with joy beyond description tomorrow.

Your friend,

Cat said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend. Totally relate to the family thing - we are back to Australia to face that over Christmas!

Bless you,
C x