Friday, July 11, 2008

Clay Time Is Over - For Now

"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead." ~Hans Christian Andersen

The above quote came from a post on jugglingpaynes. I just felt the need to share it here. Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?

We just finished a most unusual week, at least for our family. It was definitely out of the norm for me and my sleep-in-late kids. I had signed the kids up for an arts class using clay and every day I had to arise at 6:30 a.m., get myself ready, get the kids up at 7:30, feed everyone and head out the door by 8:30 (well, o.k., it was closer to 8:40) to drive 17 miles south to the class. Now, for your average Joe (or Jane) this is no big deal. As you might expect, we are not average. It was killer! I am not an a.m. person. Never have been. And my kids are like me.

In addition, I never was able to get any coffee the entire week, which didn't help my 11:00 a.m. slump each day. Oh, I didn't just sit and watch my kids - nooo, the instructor handed me a lump of clay as well, so I learned right along with my kids. It was fun but by 11:00, I didn't want to do anything more so I spent the last hour cleaning up (lots to clean up in a ceramics class!) And last night, I didn't sleep well so today I was in the dream zone all day. The class went until 12:00, so every day we'd get home, eat lunch and then it seemed like we didn't want to (or couldn't) do anything else the rest of the day. Our routine was thrown out of whack. Then there was the rush after dinner to get everyone to bed so we could start over the next day. It's been stressful, I tell you! (I know, I know, such a baby!)

But, it's been worth it. I'm glad it's over but I will miss the fun parts. It was so great to watch my kids sit and think about what they wanted to do. And then dive in. My oldest really surprised me with his fearlessness to try everything the teacher showed us. He worked on a potter's wheel, not once but twice! He poured molds. He coiled. He slabbed. Everything! This is a child who doesn't do any kind of craft at home and when he does, it's really abstract. I think he was very pleased with himself and I know he had a lot of fun. That right there made it all worth it (even the fee!) My younger two already have experience working with Sculpy clay so I knew they would take to the class - and they did. Even Todd got in on it (he has lots of clay experience.) He was able to come with us for 3 days and he made some lovely things. We are considering taking the class that is just once a week - and in the late afternoon! I can handle that easily - at least for a month or so.

Our finished pieces won't be fired until they dry so it will be several weeks before we can go back and get them. I'm looking forward to having everything here so we can enjoy them. I'm also looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. And coffee. You know - the old routine.


Mama Self said...

Yes, and tomorrow I have to get everyone up and out the door early for VBS. :) One week...Lord help me to be able to do it!

Glad you and yours had fun with the clay. Have a good week...and enjoy some sleep and coffee for me!

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Did you not get horrid caffeine headaches?
I would have been unbearable if I didn't have my java in the morning... :D
I'm glad you can get back to "laid back"....I operate much better that way myself!

Leingang Family said...

Oh, I can't wait to get back in a routine again. I don't function without one.

40winkzzz said...

Good for you for getting your family out to this class. (I know I read about it on your other blog too, but don't remember whether I commented-- that was "BV" -before vacation!) It is worth the hassle to get out and do interesting things like that from time to time. I know for me it is easy to get into the rut of just staying home and not trying new things because it is too much trouble. Yay for us when we actually DO this kind of stuff!