Filling the rest of the kitchen and into the living room are all the cabinet parts. Getting to the garage is a challenge. If you suck in your breath, you can just squeeze between the saw and the dishwasher to exit the kitchen near the front door. Plastic sheeting hangs decoratively around the perimeter.
The dining room has become a storeroom. Boxes holding my kitchen things make accessing homeschool books difficult (voiced not-so-kindly by my 11 year old!)
And Todd's three weeks are over. He's happily back at work in a new, open office with elbow room. Actually, I know better. Todd would much rather be here, assembling cabinets and finishing this project. But life doesn't always go as planned. Fortunately, my darling has left the kitchen functioning well enough that it's not that bad. As long as I move slowly, I don't run into anything.
The ceiling is done for the most part. Love the skylight! There is still one wall of cabinets attached. Sink, stove and dishwasher are still there. Toaster oven and microwave still usable (the microwave is living on a old cabinet on wheels rolled into the living room.) I threw a tablecloth over the table part of the table saw for an additional work surface. Lots of sweeping.
It's funny how certain things can get on one's nerves, silly things like everyone in the house asking (for the 100th time) "Where are the clips or where are the twisty-ties?" For the 100th time, I answer "In the box with the white lid in the pantry!" Somehow, they can't get used to this as these particular items have always been in a drawer that is no longer there. Carmen blows hot and cold, even on a good day and if she's in a bad mood, her tolerance level for living in a construction zone plummets. The boys don't seem to care which, of course, they wouldn't. As long as they can eat, life is good.
Oh, do you want to see some photos? Here goes ...
Before the ceiling went in (after the skylight was installed) This is the view from the sink, looking out toward the dining room. The pendant light is new and will
have a banquette beneath it:
have a banquette beneath it:
My skylight on a rare sunny day:
Showing the versatility of the in-kitchen table saw (It slices, it dices!!) Don't try this at home:
Breakfast prep on my temporary (I hope) island. That stack of material behind me has now been cut up into parts that will become our cabinets:
This view shows the new archway out into the living room, which created a view out toward the bay from the kitchen. I used to have to go around the wall there to see out that window. The baby grand piano usually sits just behind me (it's been pushed further into the living room and is trying to eat the sofa):
I'll end this post with this wonderful piece of news: Todd now will only work four days a week, 10 hour days, which will give him a three day weekend - all the time! He works 10 hour days now anyway but the week will be shorter and, in theory, he'll be able to spend more time on the kitchen! God is good.